Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Metabolic Motivator

There are days when I work out in pleasure, and there are days when I work out in pain - some days I feel both. I find that, more often than not, my workout "itch" is inspired by an interesting mixture of slight A.D.D., boredom, and a desire to keep myself looking somewhat decent; it seems the college diet of greasy, microwaveable food, and alcoholic beverages can taint the figure! In order to eat what I want and stay in shape, I have to have a consistent workout schedule - period.
Yet, I have recently discovered that when I DO finally get out there, give my body a good metabolic boost, and "sweat-it-out", I find myself in a better mood and more willing to take on the day (usually I workout in the mornings). Ultimately (with a lot of time and effort), I feel working out has become, i many ways, the best part of my day!

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