Monday, September 28, 2009

It's About Committing

It's time.
No more late-night pizza binges, mid-day cookie crumbles, or mornings with Cinnamon Toast Crunch...I have officially committed to a healthy lifestyle and getting in shape!
While I genuinely try to live a healthy, happy lifestyle on a day to day basis, I have found that without sheer commitment and strive that reaches far beyond an occasional gym visit or salad for lunch, it is a never-ending cycle of hopelessness. In short, I give.
So, I begin my quest for physically-fit form...I'll keep you updated on the results.

...and my motivation? A mix of healthy, stress-free living and an in-shape physique.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sweat The Stress Away

Stress is a part of life and its origins are as diverse as the people it effects. It can manifest itself as beads of sweat before an exam, an increased appetite or even a lapse in conciousness. In these situations people tend to create alternative mechanisms to alleviate these symptoms. In my case, stress relief often takes place long after the incident itself. Physical exercise creates, for myself, a time in which the external world is shut off and the full extent of the previous moment can be analyzed and then forgotten.

Pouring myself into a physically exhausting routine allows for both a mental and physical release from frustration and internal termoil. In fact, many people use physical activity as stress relief because the benefits are two-fold; the stress is gone/reduced and it's good for your body (don't ask for citation just yet).

*yay for exercise*

A New Component

Today I came to a saddening conclusion - in order to get "in shape," you must eat SOMEWHAT healthy...or at least at the start of your training. As I have been easing into my regular yearly workouts, I have realized that I am getting nowhere...and eating horribly. I need to start with a healthy diet, and it seems a good, structured workout plan will easily follow!

So...dieting (or maybe just good eating lol) here I come!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Metabolic Motivator

There are days when I work out in pleasure, and there are days when I work out in pain - some days I feel both. I find that, more often than not, my workout "itch" is inspired by an interesting mixture of slight A.D.D., boredom, and a desire to keep myself looking somewhat decent; it seems the college diet of greasy, microwaveable food, and alcoholic beverages can taint the figure! In order to eat what I want and stay in shape, I have to have a consistent workout schedule - period.
Yet, I have recently discovered that when I DO finally get out there, give my body a good metabolic boost, and "sweat-it-out", I find myself in a better mood and more willing to take on the day (usually I workout in the mornings). Ultimately (with a lot of time and effort), I feel working out has become, i many ways, the best part of my day!

Lauren's Motivation :-)

I have always found that when I don't work out is when I feel the worst. Not the everyday guilt trip about not working out, but literally just lazy. Usually if I don't work out I haven't done anything more productive, just sat around, looked out the window, and just decided not to work out. What motivates me is that feeling after I've worked out, where you're tired, but awake all at the same time. I enjoy working out and trying to stay in shape just for my own comfort.


What motivates YOU to work out?

Staying healthy and keeping in shape can be a challenge, at times a insurmountable obstacle. Is it swim suit season that forces out of that lay-z-boy, or that hamburger that you ate last night, or maybe even those five pitchers of beer you washed it down with? Everyone has different reasons for working out, but some find their motivations more successful than others. We want to hear what your motivation to work out is, and if you think your goals are paying off in the long run. Let us know, and in a few weeks we'll have some first hand feed back on what really gets people to work up a sweat.

Can't wait to hear from all of you!

Chelsea and Lauren :-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome Fitness Fans

Welcome to! Here we hope to give you guys a few new ideas on how to live a healthy and fun lifestyle. Every week we will post new fitness tips, recipes, and whatever interesting insights we find on how to stay healthy. Feel free to comment or add any tips you might have as well.
Happy Fitness!
Chelsea and Lauren :-)